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More than there were prior to when they decreased. At least seventeen.

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Q: How many leopards were there in Africa before they decreased?
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How many leopards in Africa?

how many leopards left in Africa

How old are leopards as a species?

Many scientist believe that leopards have been around before humans. Leopards live in West Asia, Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

How many leopards are left in India?

There are a lot of leopards, but, we are not certain of how many of them are there. For example: there are approx. 23,664 leopards in South Africa. So they say.

How many leopards are they in the world?

There is about 100,000 leopards still alive in the world. The majority of these are in asia. There are perhaps 25000 in africa.

Where are leopards located?

Asia and Africa are home to the leopard, in many subspecies.

Why have the leopards decreased in numbers?

The reason is because their are so many people hunting them for the skin,food, and other things.

How many amur leopards were there before?


What do leopards live near?

Leopards are found in many parts of Africa and Asia. They like to live in areas of deserts, forests, and mountains.

About how many leopards are hunted in a year?


How many snow leopards did there used to be before they became endangered?

Now, there are an estimated 4000-7500 snow leopards left in the wild.

Do leopards only live in Africa?

No. The leopard, Panthera Pardus, is found on the Asian continent as well, in many countries.

How many leopards are there altogether in the world?

A "prowl" is the name given to a group of leopards; other common "group" names include: a "pride" of lions, a "school" of fish, a "herd" of sheep... less common, perhaps, are a "lark" of nightingales and a "murder" of crows!