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Q: How many levels of environment are there on fish tycoon?
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How do you get magic fish in fish tycoon?

You need to crossbreed as many fish as you can, to get as many different species as you can. Just luck I guess.

Aquarim fish which doesn't need plants?

Many of the Cichlid type fish will destroy any plants in their environment but the vast majority of fish prefer a natural environment with living plants

When was the Tycoon Online game first released?

There are many different online Tycoon games. The first Tycoon game, Railroad Tycoon, was release in 1990. Other Tycoon games include DinoPark Tycoon in 1993, Pizza Tycoon and Transport Tycoon in 1994, and Airline Tycoon in 1998.

How many RollarCoaster Tycoons are there for PC?

There are 3. RollarCoaster Tycoon, RollarCoaster Tycoon 2, & RollarCoaster Tycoon 3.

How many pages does The Love of the Last Tycoon have?

The Love of the Last Tycoon has 163 pages.

How fish help the environment?

To begin with, fish help the environment by eating spirogyra, duckweed and other aquatic plants from overgrowing (taking up all the space in thier territory). Some fish also clean an environment from dirt and mold. Plus they provide food for humans, bears, and other carnivores. People also keep them as pets. (As an opinion) some fish are even cool to observe. In conclusion, fish help the environment from many unexpected tragedies.

What are the interaction of human to their environment in Maine?

There are many ways in which humans interact with their environment in Maine. Humans fish in the ocean to eat and survive for example.

How many syllables does tycoon have?

It has 3

What kind of fish are usually kept in fish ponds?

Many different types of fish can be kept in fish ponds so long as they are relatively small and can adapt well to the environment. The most common of these fish are koi.

What does the magical fish of fertility in fish tycoon do?

Well I haven't exactly played in a long time, but if memory serves it does exactly what the name implies- it makes fish more fertile. I guess fish are more easily pregnant and lay more eggs? Something along those lines.

How many syllables does the word tycoon have?

The word tycoon has two syllables. The syllables in the word are ty-coon.

How many adaptations does a fish have which are they?

Fish have many adaptations that help them survive their environment. Their gills are part of their adaptations that helps them in respiration. Fins also come in handy for purposes of mobility.