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Q: How many limestone quarries are there in the UK?
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How many limestone quarries are in the UK?

Over 100

Where do you get limestone?

Limestone can be found in many parts of the world and is usually mined in surface quarries.

Where are the Limestone quarries in Texas?


What rock is found in a quarries?

In Western Pennsylvania, the quarries are usually Limestone and gravel.

What material were the pyramids stones composed?

The ancient pyramids were composed of limestone rocks. The limestone came from quarries on the banks of the Nile River.

Why do people remove limestone from quarries?

Limestone is used as a building material and in chemical industry.

Where is limestone found in nature?

There are some large limestone quarries found in western asia.

Dorset source of limestone?

Yes. Portland in particular has lots of quarries that deal in portland limestone.

Can pyrite be found in Illinois?

Yes it sure can. Limestone quarries have it

Where is limestone sold?

Builders suppies and often directly from quarries

What are the problems with limestone quarries?

THey can be noisy and create heavy traffic.

How do limestone quarries benefit the local community?

Limestone quarries benefit the local community by means of available jobs for locals. There are also local infrastructure benefits such as improved access routes and new power lines.