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A single lion pride can have one or two male lions. 10 or more female lionesses are known to be a part of the pride. Apart from them there can be numerous cubs and adolescents in a pride. Prides with upto 3 male lions have been seen and recorded but the usual male number in a pride is one or at most two. Lions hunt as a group/pride. They stay low and hidden and go near an unsuspecting prey like a gazelle or a zebra and then once sufficiently close, they sprint and take down the prey. All animals of the pride, particularly the females (lionesses), take part in the hunt.

Teenage male lions often roam in groups, from 2 to 5.

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Q: How many lions generally live together in a pride?
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A group of lions is called a pride.

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Yes! There are more than 3000 lions present in Serengeti National Park. They live in groups known as pride. And there are 300 lion pride in the Serengeti. A great way to see them is on morning safaris in the Serengeti.

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The technical term is 'pride'. The head of the pride is the 'alpha male' - but most of the hunting is done by females.

Do lion live in packs?

Lions do not live in packs but live in groups known as prides. A pride of lions usually consists of five or six lionesses and one or two male lions along with their combined cubs.