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Matt. 14: 20 records that 12 baskets of fish and bread pieces were picked up after feeding the 5,000. But it does not name Mt. Olive as the place.

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Q: How many loaves of bread and fish left after jesus meeting with multutude on the mount of olive?
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How many loaves of bread were there before Jesus multiplied them?

three loaves, to fish

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How many loaf of bread did jesus have at the surman?

Jesus never had any loaves of bread during the sermon on the mount.

How many fish in Jesus feeding 4000?

Two fish and five loaves of bread fed 5000.

Who told jesus about the lad with fish and bread?

According to the Gospel of John, the one who told Jesus about the loaves of bread and fish was one of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.

What is Mark 6 talking about?

Jesus is talking about how he feed 5,000 people with two loaves of bread and 5five fish's.

What is the size of a loaf of barley bread?

back in the bible it talks about Jesus feeds a multitude of people on two fish and five loaves of barley bread. How big was a loaf of barley bread?

How many baskets of bread left over after jesus meeting with multutude on the mount of olive?

The gospels record two instances of Jesus miraculously feeding a multitude of people. In Matthew 14 (with parallel accounts in Mark 6, Luke 9 and John 6), Jesus feeds "about five thousand men, besides women and children" (v.21) with five loaves and two fish (v.19), "and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained." (v.20). In Matthew 15 (with a parallel account in Mark 8), Jesus takes seven loaves, and "a few little fish" (v.34) and feeds "four thousand men, besides women and children." (v.38). "So they all ate and were filled, and they took up seven large baskets full of the fragments that were left." (v.37).

How big were the loaves in Mark chapter 6?

The Bible doesn't describe the size of the loaves of bread in Mark 6:38-43. What is significant is not the size of the loaves, but the amount of them. If Jesus was able to break up five loaves into enough pieces to feed 5,000 men (Mark 6:44), it was indeed a miracle!

What did Jesus eat every day?

He probably ate something like Pitta bread and Olives. Something like that.

After the miracle of the Loaves of Bread did Jesus went up the mountain to pray Matthew 14ver23 or to escape the multitude John 6ver15?

According to the Bible, after the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Jesus withdrew to pray on the mountain alone. This is recorded in Matthew 14:23. John 6:15 mentions the crowd wanting to make Jesus king, but it does not explicitly state that Jesus went up the mountain to escape the multitude.

What type of fish and bread did Jesus feed the 5000 people?

The bread was barley loaves, and the type of fish is unknown. It is likely to have been the sardine or the musht fish found in the nearby waters.