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Q: How many mSv of radiation would a person having a mammogram every year from age 35 to 65 years old receiving just from the procedure?
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Does internal radiation therapy make people radioactive?

Patients receiving internal radiation therapy do become temporarily radioactive

What procedure can a woman with a BIRADS 3 mammogram result undergo for immediate answers?

Some women are uncomfortable or anxious about waiting and may want to consult with their doctor about having a biopsy.

How long do mammograms take?

A screening mammogram usually takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. A woman having a diagnostic mammogram can expect to spend up to an hour at the mammography facility.

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receiving, containing, keeping...

Is having a mammogram an example of secondary prevention?

Yes, mammography is an example of secondary prevention. It does not lower the risk of disease, but seeks to detect early disease.

What is radiation called having wavelength just longer than red light?

Infrared radiation.

Why are you not receiving callee?

If a person is not receiving calls, this likely means that they are busy. A person that isn't receiving calls may also be having problems with their cell phone reception.

What is the average age of a patient having the Maze procedure?

The average age of patients undergoing this procedure is about 52.

Is it possible to get pregnant after having a electrosurgical tubal coagulation procedure?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant after having any tubal ligation procedure. The chances are very low though.

What is an invisible radiation having the longest wavelength?

radio waves

How can radiation have an ionizing effect?

Radiation can excite an electron sufficiently for the electron to leave the atom, thus having an ionizing effect.

Is radiation pneumonitis able to be passed to others?

Radiation pneumonitis is in relation to being exposed to radiation, therefore the only way another person could get this inflammation of the lungs is by having their person exposed to radiation as well.