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There are no major cities in Antarctica. There are research stations.

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Q: How many major cities are in antarctica?
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What are major cities in Antarctica?

There are no cities in Antarctica because nobody lives there

What are Antarctica's major cities?

There are no cities, states, or countries on the Antarctic continent.

How many cities are in Antarctica and what is the largest by population?

There are no cities, states or countries in Antarctica.

How many cities in antarctica?


How many cities does antarctica have?


Does Antarctica have countries or cities?

No, there are no countries or cities on Antarctica.

Are there cities in antarticia?

There are no cities in Antarctica. Everything is Ice. There is no poing of have cities in antarctica

The largest city in Antarctica?

There are no cities in Antarctica.

What is Antarctica's capital cities?

Antarctica has no cities. It is a barren, unpopulated land.

What is the biggest city in Antarctica?

There are no countries on Antarctica and no permanent population and therefore no cities. Many countries have scientific research stations on Antarctica.

How many cities are in Antarctica?

There are no 'cities' in Antarctica. There are a number of semi-permanent bases usually run by the military for research purposes.

What are the top two famous cities on Antarctica?

There are no cities in Antarctica, no states, no countries.