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Q: How many man made satellites have orbited Saturn?
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How many man made satellites has been sent to Saturn?

there has been 7 man made satellites sent to Saturn.

How many satellites orbit Saturn?

there is no satellites orbiting Saturn

How many satillites does Saturn have?

There are 27 satellites on Saturn!!!!

How many satellites have explored Saturn?


How many satellites are on Saturn and Uranus?

Saturn has 62 moons and Uranus has 27 moons.

How many satellites or rings does Saturn have?

saturn has 53 rings and 10 moons that are named by the way.

How many satellites does Staurn have?

Saturn have total 60 moons

Did Saturn have any robots or satellites?

Saturn has a great many satellites. I'm not quite sure where "robots" come into the question. If you mean "have humans sent robotic space probes to Saturn", then the answer is yes.

How many satellites are on Saturn?

If each rock in the rings of Saturn counts as a satellite, then the number is uncomfortably large and uncountable.

How many rings and satellites does Saturn have?

Saturn has 11 rings to be exact and they are full of debris like dust, gas, ice and rock

How many satelites orbit Saturn?

Satellites ~ 200 observed (61 with secure orbits)

Which planet has the most satellites and rings?

All the gas giants are known to have rings; Saturn's are by far the most prominent. As far as moons are concerned, Jupiter and Saturn are in a virtual tie; both of them have around 60 known satellites. ______________________ If you include artificial satellites, Earth leads the pack. With only natural satellites counted, Jupiter has more moons (63 and counting) while Saturn has most of the rings. Jupiter and Uranus have very small and dim ring systems.