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Q: How many measures are there in you can't believe it's not Mozart?
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Mozart had one child.

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Mozart wrote 5 violin concertos.

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Mozart composed many more concertos for piano than for any other instrument.

How many concerts did Mozart have?


Did Mozart write many piano concertos to play himself or for students to perform?

Mozart performed a great many of his works himself.

Where can you get Rondo in C major by Mozart?

You can find Mozart's music (along with that of many, many other composers who are in the public domain) at

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What is the strongest type of wood in the US?

For hardness, I believe it is Hard Rock Maple. It is also the strongest by many measures.

How many times did Mozart get married?

Mozart got married once in his life, and his wife's name is Constanza.

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How many and what instruments did Mozart play?

loads :)

Did any of Mozart's symphonies use Vienna Phiharmonic?

The Vienna Phiharmonic was founded in 1842 and Mozart died in 1791. So if you mean 'Were any of Mozart's symphonies played by the Vienna Phil in his lifetime?' the answer is no. If you mean 'Have any of Mozart's symphonies been played by the Vienna Phil?' the answer is yes, many of them, many times.