

How many meetings did the second Vatican council have?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The Second Vatican Council met in four sessions over four years. Each session began in the fall with daily meetings for a number of months.

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Q: How many meetings did the second Vatican council have?
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How many documents did the Vatican 2 council produce?

16 documents were produced.

How many years did vatican council 2 last?

Vatican II was held in four sessions in the autumn of the years 1962-1965.

What was a major revival effort within the Catholic Church?

The counter-reformationThere have been many, but in recent history the one that happened was the Second Vatican Council, sometimes referred to as Vatican II. It ran from the 11th of October 1962 to the 8th of December 1965.

Was the Second Vatican Council a success?

Vatican Council II was the twenty-first ecumenical Council of the Church. Ecumenical Council, if approved by the reigning Holy Father, be definition, are led by the Holy Spirit, and thus are outside our judgment as mere mortals. Whether it was implemented correctly is a whole different story.

Why do you need a Vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council had been considered by Pope Pius XII, but Blessed John XXIII actually called it. The Council was primarily a pastoral council to see how the church could deal with the needs of people in the 20th century. The Council did not change the language of the Mass, but allowed for certain parts (such as the readings) to be in the language of the people. Many of the changes that people associate with Vatican Council II such as the design of churches and, even Mass in the common language had been tried before the Council and were brought about by people in the church in opposition to what the documents actually call for. Ultimately, a Council is the work of the Holy Spirit, and so it is God's way of communicating things to us.

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The EU has many kinds of meetings in many places. The main ones are in Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Each country also gets a 6 month period of presidency of the European Council, during which various meetings happen in that country. Slovakia is due to have that role in the second half of 2016, so there will be a lot of meetings in Slovakia then.

What was the pope's role in Vatican II?

.Catholic AnswerThe only voting members of any Ecumenical Council are the Bishops of the Catholic Church. Invited and attending the Second Vatican Council were any number of observers, primarily periti (experts in various fields, the current pope, Benedict XVI, served as a periti during the Second Vatican Council), also there were outsiders invited to observe such as representatives from various protestant groups. .from Wikipedia:Attendance varied in later sessions from 2,100 to over 2,300. In addition, a varying number of periti (Latin: "experts") were available for theological consultation-a group that turned out to have a major influence as the council went forward. Seventeen Orthodox Churches and Protestant denominations sent observers. More than three dozen representatives of other Christian communities were present at the opening session, and the number grew to nearly 100 by the end of the 4th Council Sessions.

What was the purpose of the Second Vatican Council?

The Second Vatican Council (otherwise known as Vatican II) was a pastoral council, convened in order to update and review the disciplines, policies and attitude of the Catholic Church vis-a-via the modern world. Many documents were drafted and voted on in this Council that had a very progressive flavor that ultimately caused a rift among the Council fathers as Conservatives fought to organize and resist the changes. What came out of this was a series of vague documents that both sides could effectively interpret. After Vatican II, the liberal forces having triumphed, the progressive view was adopted which led to the liturgical reforms that brought forth the modern Novus Ordo Missa or New Mass as well as the attitudes towards liturgy in general in its conduct, literature, prayers, architecture and ecumenism. The Council made no dogmatic definitions nor did it declare itself a full ecumenical council versus just a pastoral one. Traditionalists that continue to resist the effects of Vatican II point to this as their justification for rejecting outright or resisting the modern changes. An excellent and remarkably objective book on the Council is "The Rhine Flows into the Tiber" by Ralph M. Wiltgen, who was a journalist covering it at the time.

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In a very real sense, every baptized Christian is a Catholic missionary. Christianity is basically a missionary religion, this is something which has been lost over the centuries, and the Second Vatican Council called us back to it. Unfortunately, many in the Church ignored the call of the Council and followed their own agenda, calling it the "Spirit of Vatican Council II". The last three popes - Blessed John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis, have all called us back to what the Council actually taught and called for.

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Most nuns (not sisters, but cloistered nuns) follow the Rule of St. Benedict, which requires prayer seven times a day, plus "shortly after midnight". After the Second Vatican Council, this was revised for most Orders to the following Offices: (Before Vatican Council II) Matins (midnight) Lauds (Dawn) Prime (6 am) Terce (9 am) Sext (noon) None (3 pm) Vespers (4 pm) Compline (before bed) (After Vatican Council II) Office of Readings Morning Prayer Mid-morning prayer Mid-day prayer Mid-afternoon prayer Evening prayer Night Prayer

How did priesthood change after the Second Vatican Council?

.Catholic AnswerThe priesthood itself did NOT change after the Second Vatican Council, however, the role of the laity expanded, and many things which had previously been reserved to minor Orders and which, in practice, were done by priests, were now given to the laity. Lay people became sacristans, acolytes, lectors, ministers of Holy Communion, etc. Well, they didn't become those things, they just started taking on their jobs which had previously been done by priests as there were few ordained acolytes, lectors, sacristans, and ministers of Holy Communion outside of seminaries and monasteries.

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