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Read the story.The answer has to be somewhere in the story, lol.

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Q: How many men does Odysseus take with him to Cyclops island?
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When they first discover the cave cyclops how do Odysseus and his men differ in what they wish to do?

Odysseus is driven by curiosity toward the Cyclopes of the island. His crewmen wish to take the Cyclops's (Polyphemus) cheeses and sheep, however, and head back to the ship to resume their journey.

How many men did Odysseus take with him into the land of the cyclops?

Odysseus takes 12 of his best men to explore the land of the cyclops including Polyphemus' cave.

What does Odysseus take to the cyclops?

Odysseus took his 12 best men and a goatskin of sweet black wine from the priest Maron to the cyclops cave.

What does the cyclops do to Odysseus as revenge?

I do not know that the cyclops did anything as revenge, but in the book the Odyssey ,it explains that the Cyclops' father , the god Poseidon, is angry at Odysseus and will not let Odysseus return to his country, whereas the other gods take pity on him.

What gift does Odysseus take with him when he goes to see the Cyclops?


What happens at the island of the cyclops in the odyssey?

Odysseus and his men steal food and other items from Polyphemus' cave (a cyclops). They planned to take the materials and leave but Odysseus is curious to see what the cyclops looks like. They stay to meet Polyphemus, getting trapped in his cave. To get free they sharpen a wooden pole, get the cyclops drunk, and blind him by stabbing his eye while he's asleep. Polyphemus moves the large rock blocking the cave and Odysseus and his men escape clinging to the bellies of sheep.

Why does Odysseus take them into the cave?

to see what he and his crewmens can take from the cave but it backfires on them because the cyclops comes and is hostile towards them.

What is Odysseus best known for?

Fighting in the Trojan war, blinding the cyclops, you get the picture? take your pick

Why does Odysseus ignore his men when they want to take cheese and goats from the cave and go back to their ships without meeting the cyclops?

Because he is dumb. <~ are you serious right now... its because Odysseus wanted to see what the Cyclops had to offer

Why didn't Odysseus and his men take the cyclops' kids and food?

The Cyclops had no kids. The men escaped by holding to the undersides of the cyclops sheep. Their hands could not hold any of the cheeses while they were escaping.

What island did the winds take Odysseus?

The winds took Odysseus to many islands, including Ithaca. After the bag of winds was released, he was sent back to Aeolia.

What do Odysseus and his men steal from the Cyclops?

They eat some of the cheeses that Polyphemus keeps in his cave. When they escape, they also take his sheep.sheep?