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Q: How many men like cross dressing?
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Does cross-dressing mean you are gay?

No, in fact the majority of cross-dressing men are straight.

What did men cross dressing wear?

men who like to dress in women's clothes are called " crossdressers" as the name implies, they wear dresses, blouses, pantyhose and lingerie, also they like to wear women's jewelry, like earrings and bracelets.

What is the dressing for offering prayer for men and women in Islam?

The general dressing that Islam has tought men and women.

Do lesbian prefer transgender's rather than real women?

No, they prefer women and not men dressing and living like women.

How many men were on the cross when Jesus was crucified?

Do you mean who were the men beside Jesus on the cross, or the men to put Jesus on the cross

Where would one be able to purchase men's dressing gowns?

You can purchase some men's dressing gowns from your local department store that has a men's section, a homeware store such as Target. You can also try online on Amazon.

What shops sell men's crosses?

Many stores sell men's crosses. House of Fraser, Celebrate Your Faith, and Zales sell men's cross necklaces. Shopzilla offers a way to find men's cross necklaces for cheap as well.

What change occurred in women's roles during the revolutionary war?

Women had three main roles in the war. The most common was being a nurse. Many women treated sick and wounded soldiers in field hospitals and general hospitals. The second was being a spy used to infiltrate the enemy, because men believed that women were less like to be suspected. The third, and perhaps the least common, was cross dressing (dressing like a man by cutting their hair and wearing men's clothing) and joining their army, whether it be the Union or the Confederacy.

What type of man does a libra women look for?

Libra women like men who are self confident and imaginative. Dressing nice helps too.

What did kearny's men have to cross to get to California?

Kearny's men had to cross deserts and mountains to get to califorina

Why do men wear high heels?

Men don't technacly wear heels. They are shoes with some hight added to the bottom. Most men wear these kinds of shoes because they are unhappy of the height. Or they are gay by dressing like girls

Can a woman wear trousers under Jewish law?

It depends entirely on how you interpret Jewish law. The law is that men and women cannot wear clothing of the opposite gender. So Orthodox Jewish law says no, women cannot wear trousers. Non-Orthodox traditions generally reserve the law only as a reference to cross-dressing, and even then, Reform and Conservative Jews generally do not condemn cross-dressing.