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Q: How many meridians are in the world?
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Related questions

How many meridians are there on the earth surface?

23 meridians, dividing earth into 24 time zones

How are the meridians on the map different from the meridians on a globe?

Meridians on a globe get closer and eventually merge at the North and South Poles. On a map (a flat plane) the meridians are drawn parallel and there is distortion at the poles, most noticeable on a world map.

How many meridians are there in a globe?

360 meridians in a Globe. -Tomi Jade

How many meridians are there in India?

go count

How many meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval?

72 number of meridians can be drawn on the globe at 5 degree interval

How many meridians is the earth made up of?


How many degree do the meridians divide the earth into?


How many degrees do the meridians divide the earth into?


How many meridians make up the western hemisphere?


How many meridians are in the body?

i want 2 say 24

Where do the meridians meet?

meridians meet at the poles

Which direction do Yin meridians flow?

Of the twelve regular meridians, the yin meridians always flow up the body, and all the yang meridians always flow down.