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0.5 mile = 800 m 1 mile = 1.6 km

0.5 mile = 0.8 km 1 km = 1000 m

0.8 km = 800 m 804.672m

tip: you can use Google's search box as a calculator for this sort of thing; just write the unit you know (in this case "half mile") then write "in", and then write the desired unit (in this case "m").

so i wrote "half mile in m" in the search box A half mile is 804.672 meters (or 880 yards). In a 25-meter pool, you would need to swim 32 lengths, turn off the wall on the last length, and swim to the five-meter mark, which is typically where the lane line changes color or the pool bottom tiles register a tick mark.
There are 804.672 metres in half a mile


1 mile = 1609 meters

1/2 a mile = 1609/2 = 804.5 meters

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A mile is approximately 1,600 meters therefore a half mile is 800 meters

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Q: How many meters is a half mile swim?
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Raju is training for the mile long swim if he swim 1 4 mile a day how many days will it take him to swim 1 mile?

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