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299792500 m/s (about 300 million meters per second)

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Q: How many meters per second is the speed of light?
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How many is light speed?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters (186,282 miles) per second, in vacuum. It's slightly less in a material medium.

The period of light wave that has wavelength of 3000000 meters is how many seconds?

Frequency = speed/wavelengthPeriod = 1/frequency = wavelength/speed = (3,000,000)/(300,000,000) = 0.01 second

How many speeds of light to each planet?

Only one . . . 299,792,458 meters per second. It's the same speed to any planet.

Can the speed of light be calculated?

Answer: The speed of light was determined through experimentation, such as the timing of moons passing behind Jupiter. Many formulas are based upon the speed of light, but that number had to be determined beforehand. Light travels 299,792,458 meters per second (or 186,282.397 miles per second in a vacuum. Answer: Yes, the speed of light can be deduced from the electrical properties of empty space. However, in practice it is more accurate to measure the speed of light.

How many meters is one light minute?

In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.In a second, light travels about 300,000 km., or 300,000,000 meters. Multiply this by 60.

Why does it take stars so long to get to us?

light travels at the speed of 3 x 10 8 meters per second. Some stars are many light years away.

How many miles a second does the light travel?

The speed of light is 186,282 miles per second.

How many meters in in one light second?

There are 299792458 metres.

Sound travels at a speed of 7189 feet per second how many meters per second does sound travel in this medium?

2191.21 meters per second.

How many meaters is space?

Space can't be accuratly measured because it is constantly expanding. It is however estimated to be 96 billion light years across. The speed of light is exactly 299,792 458 meters per second. So it is 28780075970000000000 meters.

How many km per second is the boat travelling at an average speed of 15 meters per second?

1 km per second is defined as equal to 1000 meters per second. Therefore, a speed of 15 meters per second is 15/1000 km per second or 0.015 km per second.

How many seconds in 1metres per second?

meters per second is a speed measurement and seconds is a time so the amount of meters per second depend on both meters and seconds not just one