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Q: How many military got Medal of Honor twice while still alive?
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Is Clarence Eugene Sasser the medal of honor winner still alive?

Yes he is. He is aged 64

How many medal of honors still live in 2009?

There are 96 living recipients of the MOH alive today.

Has anyone received both the medal of honor and the purple heart?

Yes. Most of the time, when you are considered for Medal of Honor, you have been wounded, and still continue to put your life at risk for others.

What award was dr Mary Edwards walker the first woman to receive?

The Medal of Honor. Decades after the Civil War ended the army set up a board to review the Medals of Honor awarded during the war, and they vacated about one thousand, including that to Dr. Walker. Dr. Walker was still alive, and was asked to return her Medal, but she refused to do so.

What is the oldest award still given to the members of the us military?

The Purple Heart Medal.

How many recipients of the medal of honor are still alive?

That answer is subject to change on a daily basis since many of the 87 living recipient are growing old (Barney F. Hajiro, US Army is 94). But there are 15 living Medal of Honor winners from the Marine Corps among that select group.

Do people still play Medal of Honor 2010 on Xbox Live?

Yes but not that many it might take little to find a match

How do you find out what your grandfather received while serving in World War 1 stand for?

Well if he is still alive, you could ask him. If he is not, then you can ask just about anyone in the military..but they can only give you a general idea what the medal/ribbon was awarded for..not the specific act.

Black people who have received Medal of Honor?

Technically speaking, no one has ever won the Medal of Honor. Hundreds of brave American soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have received the highest award for valor that our nation can bestow since its creation during the Civil War (except airmen, since air warfare didn't come about until WWI). During World War 2, none of the Medal of Honor recipients were African-American. I stress that it was during the war that no African Americans received the Medal of Honor. According to the US military history archives, the US government sought to rectify the situation in the 1990s under President William J. Clinton. After searching the records of thousands of service personnel, ten candidates met the criteria for receiving the Medal. It also took an Act of Congress to award these Medals of Honor, as a statute of limitations had been reached. Of the ten citations for "valor above and beyond the call of duty", seven men were chosen to receive the Medal of Honor for their actions. By the time the Medals were to be presented, however, only one man was still alive. The President decided to award the remaining six Medals posthumously (after death). The only living African American recipient of the Medal of Honor was 1st LT Vernon J. Baker, and he received his Medal of Honor from President Clinton on 13 January 1997. The Medals of Honor for the deceased recipients were awarded to surviving family members, as is the protocol for a posthumous medal.Edits:The ten candidates that were selected for the Medal of Honor had originally received the Distinguished Service Cross. After the government inquiry, it was deemed that their actions should have resulted in the Medal of Honor being awarded. In 1993, the US Army had commissioned a study into racial discrimination in awarding medals during WWII.1st LT Vernon Baker died at the age of 90 from brain cancer on 13 July 2010. Following protocol for Medal of Honor recipients, his body was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. (Source: Wikipedia)

Why was Veterans Day started?

Veterans day was started to honor the veterans that have served and are still alive.

Is Sandra day o'connor alive?

Yes. Sandra Day O'Connor, who was the first woman appointed to the US Supreme Court, is still alive as of June 2010. She was a member of the Court from 1981 until 2006.

When have people been given the medal of honor before?

I have never heard of anyone refusing the nation;s highest military award. Why would anyone? It is an award not easily qualified for, it has vast prestige, it has a lifetime pension attached to it, puts the recipient in a select group of persons, and affords the person large numbers of military "perks" like automatic burial in Arlington National Cemetery, guaranteed slot for dependents in US service academies, free space-available flight on US aircraft, etc.,etc.,etc. Most people do not get the choice to refuse the Medal of Honor as the majority of the time it is awarded POST-MORTOM. Among the ones that were awarded to people that were still living at the time, Carlos Hathcock did refuse to be recommended for the Medal Of Honor.