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Q: How many million miles earth travels every year?
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How million miles the earth travels in a year?

The length of Earth's orbit around the sun is 584.3 million miles.

Approximatley how much does the earth travel in its orbital each day?

The Earth travels about 92 million miles in its orbit around the sun each day.

What is the proximity of Venus to Earth?

Venus can come within about 38.1 million kilometers (million miles) of Earth, but this mimimum distance very seldom occurs. The planet is at its closest to Earth about once every 584 Earth days, at a distance of from 38.1 to 44.6 million miles.

Before radiant energy travels from the sun through the Earth's atmosphere where does it go through?

About 93 million miles of empty space.l

Is the sun exactly in the path of earth?

No. The sun isn't anywhere near the path of earth. The earth travels a long, closed path around the sun, and is always about 93 million miles away from it.

Does it take the sun just over eight minutes to travel 93 million miles to earth?

The Sun doesn't travel to Earth. What travels to Earth is the light from the Sun. This takes about 8m 20s.

What is the distance of the sun from earth in light?

I assume you are talking about distance in lightspeed. Well the distance is the same, regardless how it travels, but the time it takes for light to travel from the sun to Earth is 8.3 minutes, and it travels 93 million miles at avarage. (It varies)

How long does sunlight take to travel from the sun to earth?

The Earth is (on average) 93 million miles from the Sun, and light travels at 186,000 miles per second. It's a curious coincidence tha the math on this says that light travels from the Sun to the Earth in a nice, round, 500 seconds. This is equal to 8 minutes 20 seconds.

In miles how far away is mars from earth?

The planet Maris is 33.9 million miles away from the planet Earth. The planet Jupiter is 365 million miles away from Earth.

How many miles is it from earth to the sun?

93 million miles !

How is Saturn compared to earth?

ANSWER:Saturn is 938 million miles from the sun. The earth is 93 million miles from the sun, do the math and (takes his shoes off) and Saturn is 845 million miles from the earth.

How million miles is earth away from sun?

93.2 million miles in the summer, and 93.4 million miles in the winter