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Q: How many minutes does it take Jupiter to make a complete rotation?
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How many days does it take Jupiter to make one complete rotation?

9 hours and 55 minutes

How many days does it take Jupiter to make a complete rotation?

9.925 hours

How long does it take for the Jupiter to make a rotation complete?

It takes approximately 10 hours for jupiter to spin on its axis

What is Jupiter's rotation?

Jupiter's rotation takes 9 hrs. and 50 minutes. I found out that it is an elliptical orbit and that it is the fastest rotation in our whole solar system. It also takes 11.85 Earth years to make one whole orbit.

How long does it take this planet to make one rotation on its axis of Jupiter?

About 9 hours and 50 minutes, is the time for Jupiter to rotate once.

How long does it take Jupiter to make one rotation about its axis?

9 hours and 50 minutesit takes Jupiter 10 earth hours to make a Jupiter day.The sidereal rotation period (how long it takes a planet to rotate about its axis relative to the stars) for Jupiter is 0.41 Earth days or 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 30 seconds.A day on Jupiter is about 10 Earth hours long.Jupiter takes about 9 hours 56 minutes to do one full rotation, compared to 24 hours here on Earth. This velocity is based on the visible cloud layers, and represents an equatorial rotation speed of 45,000 kph (28,000 mph), the fastest for any planet.(see related question)Jupiter's rotation period is 9.925 hours. It is 2.4 times faster than Earth's rotation period.About ten hours; however, since Jupiter is not solid but a gas giant, its rotation time varies with latitude. Features near the equator complete a rotation in 9 hours 50 minutes; those at higher latitudes take about five minutes longer.ANSWER:Jupiter rotates in about 9.925 hours or 9 hours 55.5 minutes.The rotation time for Jupiter is 9 hrs 55 minutes. However, since Jupiter is not solid but a gas giant, its rotation time varies with latitude. Features near the equator complete a rotation in 9 hours 50 minutes; those at higher latitudes take about five minutes longer.The average rotational velocity of Jupiter at the equator is 12.6 kilometers per second. This means it takes less than ten hours to complete one rotation.Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system rotating on average once in just under 10 hours.That is very fast especially considering how large Jupiter is.This means that Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets in the solarSince Jupiter is a gas planet, it does not rotate as a solid sphere.Jupiter's equator rotates a bit faster than its polar regions at a speed of 28,273 miles/hour (about 43,000 kilometers/hour).Jupiter's day varies from 9 hours and 56 minutes around the poles to 9 hours and 50 minutes close to the equator.

Is Jupiter spinning to fast?

Yes, it is spinning quite fast. Going round in five minutes under 10 hours is very fast for something with ten times the diameter of the Earth. It is not fast enough to make it break up, though.

How long does the earth take to make one rotation on its axis?

Roughly 4 minutes less than 24 hours.

How long is a day on Jupiter?

The length of one day in Jupiter is 9 earth hours and 50 earth minutesJupiter rotates once in about 10 hours.A day is defined as the times it takes a planet to make one complete rotation on it's axis. A revolution is the amount of time it takes to orbit the Sun once.Jupiter takes about 9 hours 56 minutes to do one full rotation, compared to 24 hours here on Earth.See related question for the a year on Jupiter.

How many years does Jupiter take to complete an orbit around the sun?

It typically takes the planet Jupiter approximately 10 hours to make a full rotation (it's day) and 12 years for it to go around the sun.

How many days does mars take to make a complete rotation?

Mars rotates on its axis every 24 hours, 37 minutes.

How long does it take Saturn to make one rotation?

Everyone knows that it takes the Earth 24 hours to make one rotation. Saturn on the other hand, takes 10 hours and 45 minutes to complete one rotation.