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Q: How many months can a baby see?
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beyonce baby is 8 or 10 months

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the sex of the baby is determined at six months

At how many months can you tell what sex your baby will be?

5 months.

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9 months

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10 months

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their are 14 months

What is the earliest you can have an ultrasound done to see the baby's sex?

3 months

Can a baby teeth at 3 months old?

Yes they do but you cant see them?

How many months until a baby is ready to be born?

The baby grows in the mother's womb for nine months before it is ready to be born.

Did beoncye have her baby?

I'm really not sure, but I think she didn't. Think about it...When did she get pregnant? Then count the months from that date, and see if it has been 9 months. If it has been more than 9 months, she definately had the baby! If it has been 8 months, or less, that means she didn't. Soo, you sort of have to do math.When did she get pregnant?How many months has she been pregnant?Do the math.Think about it.

How many months is vanessa hudgens with zac efrons baby?

4 months

For how many months does the female dogs keep her baby in there tummy?

2 months.