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Q: How many months does it take for hair to grow 3 inches?
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How many inches will your hair grow in 3 and a half months?

Your head hair will grow about half an inch per month, or 1.25 centimeters.

How many months would it take to grow 10 inches of hair?

it depends on how fast your hair grows. i know mine grows like an inch in 3 months. which is kinda normal! two years

How many inches can a 14 year old get taller in 2 months?

If a person hits a growth spurt they can grow 2 inches in month, so they can grow about 4 inches in two months. Most people, however, only grow about 4 inches or so year when they are 14. It is possible to grow 4 inches in two months though.

How many inches does human hair grow a year?

It's different for everyone.

How many inches does your hair grow in a year?

Your hair grows about 6 inches per year. That means it grows about a 1/2 an inch per month

If you dont cut your hair for a few months how long will it grow?

Since it takes about 6 months to 1 year to out grow your hair of any chemicals. It is really good to trim the ends of your hair every 6 to 8 weeks. It is best to not cut your hair for a few months it because it was still grow long enough over the time period depending on how many months you don't cut it.

How many month should you grow your hair for braids?

I have my hair about 4 inches past my shoulders. You could grow your hair until it reaches that length. Time wise, it depends on how fast your hair grows.

How many inches will your hair grow if you wash it once a week?

Hair grows on an average of 1/2 to 1 inch a month. Washing it will not make it grow faster. Each person is unique and their hair will grow at different speeds.

How many months does it take you to grow your hair to get braids?

it takes a year probaly but if you eat your veggies you will get it fast

How many months do i have to grow my hair to get cornrows?

With all due respect to the last guy, It would take longer than 4 months to grow your hair out to get corn-rows if your hair is short. Because it took me five months. I mean it depends on how fast your hair grows. And if its really long than it should be good to go, all you need is the right stuff and a person to braid your hair.

How long does pot last in hair?

Once hair is produced, it does not change.

How many inches does your hair grow a month?

The rate a person's hair grows in a month can differ depending upon their health. However, typically hair grows about half an inch in a month..