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Q: How many months is from August 3 1492 to March 15 1493?
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When was Christopher Columbus first voyage?

Christopher Columbus' first voyage was 33 days, Sept. 6, 1492- Oct. 12, 1492.

How long did it take for Christopher Columbus to finish his first expedition?

Columbus and about 90 crew members set sail on August 3rd, 1492 from Palos, Spain and returned on March 15th, 1493.

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August 3rd, 1492 was the date of his first expedition across the Atlantic. September 1493 was the date of his second.

When did christiphor columbais set sail?

Christopher Columbus began his first voyage August 3, 1492, and he began his second voyage September 24, 1493

When did christopher Columbus come back from dicovering America?

he went back after the first voyage was all done

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In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.In 1493, he sailed the deep blue sea.

What year was Michelangelo's Crucifix finished?

It was made in 1492 (maybe not finished until 1493).

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columbus discovered jamaica in the year 1492

What were Christopher Columbus's dates of exploration?

H e explored north and south America in 15th October 1485....was his first voyage second voyage 1492 voyage 1500 and forth voyage....1502 Jan the 16th Trust this answer its the best ANSWER

How many weeks is from August 3 1492 to March 15 1493?

37 weeks (2 days)

What year did Chistopher Columbus set sail?

Columbus left the port city of Palos in Spain on August 3, 1492. He had three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

IN what year did Christopher Columbus claim San Salvador in the Caribbean for Spain?

Christopher Columbus landed on San Salvador on October 12, 1492.