

How many moons have been discovered orbiting Jupiter?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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As of early 2016, there are 67.

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Q: How many moons have been discovered orbiting Jupiter?
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No moons have been discovered that orbit Venus.

What do Jupiter's moons have in common?

Jupiter is like a minature solar system whithin itself. So far there have been 69 moons discovered orbiting this planet. It is possible that several of these could be habital to the human race in future.

What are the names of 63 moons in the planet Jupiter?

Yes because that is how many have been recorded so far...but there most likely are more moons orbiting never know..but like i said there have been 63 satellites orbiting Jupiter.

What has been discovered on Jupiter?

. A Jupiter-like planet has been discovered orbiting one of the smallest stars known, suggesting that planets could be more common than previously thought.

Why was the discovery of moons orbiting Jupiter a significant event?

Before moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter it was thought that all objects orbited the Earth, thus making the Earth the center of the universe, and therefore 'special'. When it was discovered that Jupiter had moons, that meant that celestial bodies were orbiting one another. This shattered the geocentric, (earth-centered), view of the cosmos. Another way of saying this is that God created man in his image, man rules the Earth, therefore man is the best, and the whole universe is beholding to man. The moons of Jupiter ruined that view. For thousands of years man has been overflowing with pride, and just can't handle that it's not all about 'man'. Well, guess what bub, you are just, as Carl Sagan puts it "a speck of dust floating on a sunbeam".

Does the planet Jupiter have any moons orbiting it and if so how many and describe them?

Jupiter has 63 discovered moons. most of them tiny asteroids a few kilometers in diameter. there are however only 4 large and interesting moons orbiting Jupiter, these are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. also known as the Galileo satellites. the closest one, Io is full of volcanic activity caused by the extreme tidal with Jupiter. the rest of the moons are fairly rich in Hydrogen and oxygen and therefor also water. it is believed on Europa alone it is more liquid water under its icy surface then there is here on the entire Earth.The moons of Jupiter have the four largest moons they are ganymede, Io, europa, and calisto. about 60 more moons have been found over the centeries

How many moons does Jupiters have?

Jupiter has 67 known moons, although 17 of them are awaiting official names. More are discovered with every space probe we send there. It is likely that there are more not yet identified. The most recent are extremely small. As with the icy moonlets in Saturn's rings, there are millions of small objects orbiting the planet, some as part of Jupiter's own rings.63 moonsJupiter has 63 known moons. But 4 main moons, the largest of the 63.

What planets has the most number of satellite?

The total number of known moons(NATURAL satellites) of "JUPITER" now stands at 63, currently the most of any planet in the solar system. Many additional tiny moons may exist that have not yet been discovered. Also, currently there are approximately 2465 ARTIFICIAL satellites orbiting the "EARTH".

Are there any satelites on Jupiter?

yes, so far there have been 62 moons discovered, there are probably more.

One of Jupiter's moons?

As of January, 2010, there are 63 known moons of jupiter. Of these, 50 have received names and 13 have temporary designations pending the determination of their precise orbits. Their names are listed here alphabetically (with the four largest in boldface) :AdrasteaAitneAmaltheaAnankeAoedeArcheAutonoeCallirrhoeCallistoCarmeCarpoChaldeneCylleneElaraErinomeEuantheEukeladeEuporieEuropaEurydomeGanymedeHarpalykeHegemoneHelikeHermippeHerseHimaliaIoIocasteIsonoeKaleKallichoreKalykeKoreLedaLysitheaMegacliteMetisMnemeOrthosiePasiphaePasitheePraxidikeSinopeSpondeTaygeteThebeThelxinoeThemistoThyoneS/2003 J2 (temporary names)S/2003 J3S/2003 J4S/2000 J5S/2003 J9S/2003 J10S/2000 J11S/2003 J12S/2003 J15S/2003 J16S/2003 J18S/2003 J19S/2003 J23In astronomy, the moons of Jupiter are its "natural satellites". Sixty-three moons orbiting Jupiter have been discovered. New ones are occasionally discovered as detection methods improve. Some are very small and so were much harder to find. The four largestwere observed and recorded by Galileo in 1610, and are called the "Galilean moons".

Is Saturn the planet with the second most moons?

Jupiter has the most moons, 63. Exactly? Let's see, what day is this today? As of last count at, there are 63 moons of Jupiter. However, more are being discovered every time we send a space probe there, so there may be a dozen or more that haven't been seen yet. For years, the count was "12", based on Earth-bound telescopes, but between the Hubble, the Voyager probes and the recent flyby missions, we have discovered smaller and smaller moons that had been beneath notice. It seems likely that there are a great many tiny moons of the outer planets that have not yet been catalogued.

How many moons or satellites on Jupiter?

Jupiter has 66 natural satellites. Of these, 50 are less than 10 kilometres in diameter and have only been discovered since 1975. The four largest moons, known as the "Galilean moons", are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.