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Q: How many mos are there in the air force?
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What is the MOS for MP officer?

The 5803 MOS (Military Operating Specialty - USMC and US Army) is Military Police Officer in the Marine Corps. In the US Army the MP MOS of a regular officer is 31A, and a Warrant is 311A (CID Investigator). While in the Air Force the military police are Security Force (formerly Air Patrol and Security Patrol), the officer AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code-synonymous with MOS) is 31PX. The Navy appears to be a bit different. While I'm not able to locate a Navy Classification for officers who work law enforcement, the NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification) is 9545 Navy Law Enforcement Specialists.

How many pages does Air Battle Force have?

Air Battle Force has 544 pages.

By president how many times has air force one been flown?

The President does not fly Air Force One- he flies ON Air Force One

How many acres is the Air Force Academy?

The grounds of the Air Force Academy cover 18,000 acres

How many air force para rescue are there?

There are approximately 350 Air Force pararescue on active duty.

How many people can fit on Air Force one?

Air Force One can typically accommodate up to 70 passengers, including the president, White House staff, Secret Service agents, and journalists. The aircraft is equipped with various amenities to support both official functions and long-distance travel for the president and accompanying personnel.

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Which military branch is the safest?

It would have to be the air force all the enlisted personal do is fix planes,and all the officers do id stay back at base or fly jets. In the army your gonna be a bullet magnet for a few years. In the marines you have even suckier equipment.

Which nation has the best air force?

United States Air Force - U.S.A Russian Air Force - Russia French Air Force - France Indian Air Force - India Royal Air Force - Britain Israelian Air Force - Israel Ukrainian Air Force - Ukraine Chinese Air Force - China Australian Air Force - Australia Korean Air Force - Korea

How many people in the Air Force fought in the Vietnam war?

60,000 people in the war fought the air force of vietnam.