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There are no exact figures, but as a species, the cougar or mountain lion, also called puma or panther, is not an endangered species. Only the race called "Florida panther" is endangered, and even their numbers are slowly increasing.

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13y ago

The puma or mountain lion is a widespread, fairly common species. Not endangered, exists in the tens of thousands.

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Q: How many mountain lions are left in the world?
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How many American lions are left in the world?

Don't know what you mean by "american lions". Most lions live in Africa. What you can get in America are Mountain Lions AKA Cougars AKA Pumas.

How many lions are there left in Asia?

there were about 300,000 in south Africa but it dropped to 23,000 in less then 15 years. in 2012 there are 4!

How many white lions in the world?

around 30 white lions are left

How many barbary lions are left in the world?

* there are no barbary lions left in the wild the last one was shot in 1922 . * :( * but there are around 140 in captivity.

How many lions are there?

A century ago, there were close to 200,000 lions living in their native Africa. Today, there are less 21,000 lions known to exist.there are only two breeeds left in the world so only about 7,000AlotThere are 6987 lions in the yr 2011 today this is accurate trust me.If this was your homework pick thisthere are fewer than 23,000 left in the world and 300 white lions left in the worldtoday in the wild there are fewer than 23,000 lions left in the world and there are 300 white lions in the world

How many black lions in the world?

There are no verified cases of black lions - black jaguars and black leopards but no black lions.

How have humans impacted lions?

nearly wiped out the Aisian lion(under 300 left in the world) nearly wiped out the mountain lion, or cougar, (with under 1000 left in the world ) and nearly wiping out the African lion (under 3000 left in the world). if you think that 3000 is a lot, guess how many humans there are in the world: 8 and a half BILLION!

Why do deer need mountain lions?

Mountain Lions prey on or eat deer. They help to control the deer populations. Left uncontrolled the deer would breed and overpopulate. Too many deer and not enough food will lead to disease and starvation.

How many barbary lions are in the world?

* there are no barbary lions left in the wild the last one was shot in 1922 . * :( * but there are around 140 in captivity.

How many silverbacks are left in the world?

2 This answer is wrong there are around 700-750 mountain gorillas left. (The silverback is the male mountain gorilla).

What is a mountain lions biome?

grasslands in many grasslands

How many lions are left in India in 2010?

There were about 500 Asiatic lions left in the Gir Forest.