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Q: How many muscles in a human butt?
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Related questions

Is there an extra muscle in black men?

no every human has two sets of butt muscles the glutinous maximus and the glutinous minimus.

Why are injections taken through the butt?

Injections, in general, are taken through many places in the human body. They could be taken under the skin, in the veins, or in the muscles or called intramuscular. Taking injections through the butt is considered as a type of an intramuscular injection. This type of injection could be take through the muscles of the arm but they are preferred to be taken through the butt because the muscle of the butt is huge and can better tolerate the injection and its effects preventig many disadvantages of injections taken through the muscles of the arm.

How many muscles are in a human's body?

There are 640 muscles or over 600 muscles in the human body

What muscles are used in roundohouse kick?

There are many muscles in the body that are used in a roundhouse kick. The abs are used, side muscles, thigh muscles, and the butt muscles.

How many muscles in there in a human body?

There are over 600 muscles in the human body.


how man muscles are in a human body about 600 how many muscles are in a human body about 600

How many bones in the human body How many muscles in the human body?

there are 600 muscles in the human body and there are,206 bones in the body

How many types of muscles are there in the human?

There are 3 types of muscles in human body These are: Biceps, triceps, and cardiac muscles

What does 'butt crunch' mean?

"Butt crunches" are a type of exercise designed to improve the strength and tone of the "butt" muscles. These are the gluteus muscles on the backside. If you clench the muscles as hard as you can and then relax, you've done a "butt crunch."

Where are the Gluteals?

The glutes is the butt

How many muscles does the human arm have?

there about 50 muscles in your arm and hand and i don't know how many are in the sholder

What are the muscles in the human muscular system?

There are many muscles in the human muscular system. The main muscles are the cardiac muscles located near the heart, the biceps muscles, the abdominal muscles and the quadrocept muscles.