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Q: How many nights has president Obama spent overnight in the white house?
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Who is the President of the House?

the president of the house is Brack Obama in 2010-2014

Who was the first president who had a cat in the white house?

President Obama

What day obama moving in the White House?

President-elect Obama moves into the White House on the day he becomes the President, January 20, 2009.

What is President Obama's address?

President Obama's official address is: President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500-0004

Does president Obama live in Washington D.C.?

Yes, President Obama and his family have their primary residence in the White House in Washington DC. But the Obama family also has a home in Chicago, where they used to live before Mr. Obama became president.

Where lives your president barack obama?

the white house

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Where is President Obama now?

He lives in the White House.

When does Barack Obama go to sleep?

President Obama sleeps in the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House.

Does Obama have American Stars and Stripes flag in his White House office?

That's President Obama.

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Where will President elect Obama live?

The white house??? where else