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Diatonic scales contain 7 different notes, usually topped by the tonic note doubled at the octave.

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Q: How many notes are needed form diatonic scale?
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How is the ascending form of the melodic minor scale different from the descending form?

When ascending, the melodic minor scale has a raised 6th and 7th scale degree, but those two notes are lowered when descending.

What scale has 5 notes and is used in scottish music?

The pentatonic scale, which is also used in Asian music, the black keys on a piano form a pentatonic scale.

What are the notes for the A scale?

If you are referring to A major scale, then the notes (in ascending order) are:A - B - C# - D - E - F# - G# - AIf, on the other hand, you are referring to a minorscale, then the notes (in ascending order, harmonic form) are:A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A

What are 12 notes from the chromatic scale all mixed called?

It is called twelve-tone technique, which is a form of serialism.

Are their seven notes in a musical scale?

the words for the notes of the musical scale are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. In that order. the lowest note of the scale is the first 'do' and then each note goes up one pitch from there. the most common notes for the scale in letter form are 'c, d, e, f, g, a, b, c.' Each of the notes corresponds with the word in its spot. It is also with the same pitch as that note. the words for the scale always stay the same no matter what scale they are put with. But there are many different scales you can play. Each has its own letters for the notes. some scales go higher or lower that the most common scale.

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What are the notes in E harmonic minor scale?

E F# G A B C D# E and it's the same coming back down the scale.

What does melody in a song mean?

The melody is the tune that is carried throughout the song that is most remembered. It's a combination of notes that are set against a musical rhythm and background. The line of notes vary from one end of the scale to the other and have a logical order to form a tune.

What is the ISBN of Notes on the Synthesis of Form?

The ISBN of Notes on the Synthesis of Form is 0-674-62751-2.