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Q: How many number one singles did Queen have whilst Freddie Mercury was still alive?
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What is the biggest and smallest planet in space?

Jupiter is the largest, whilst Mercury is the smallest.

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Neither. Mercury is the smallest planet, whilst Jupiter is the largest.

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213 I saw a 967 to Otley whilst out running the other day

How do you recognize the syllables in a word?

An easy way is to clap whilst saying a word out loud. The number of claps is the number of syllables. For example: Say the word "example" whilst clapping. You should clap three times as "example" has three syllables. Ex-am-ple.

What is the planet Mercury made from?

Mercury was formed as with all planets in our solar system by accretion. As the proto planets orbited the Sun, asteroids and other stellar stuff were attracted by the now growing mass of Mercury, adding to it's mass and thus it's gravity. It drew more and more interstellar material until there was little left to absorb. However, another proto planet about the same size as Mercury was in the same orbit as Mercury and they collided. This "merger" ejected the lighter elements out into the Solar System, whilst the heavier elements combined, giving Mercury is current massive iron core.

Is the subscript a small number written above a letter or number?

A subscript is a small number written below the number, whilst a superscript is written above the number. A superscript 2 is used to indicate a squared number.

What happens at the end of the take?

Freddie gets stabbed in the neck by his wife's sister as hes about to reveal he was the father of little Jimmy, whilst 'Big' Jimmy is waiting for him. 5months later Jimmy betrays Ozzy leading him to be the new 'Don'. Rather disappointing for myself.

Do the numbers in a budget have to be exact?

yes, other whilst what good is the budget if the number are not exact, because it as all about anyways.

What is meaning of rikriti?

From google: This number is therefore to ba regarded as the pmkrili, ie standard, model, whilst any other number is a rikriti, means modification (Sanskrit)

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No it is not a continuous variable because whilst you could have telephone numbers such as 123456 and 123457 you could not have a telephone number that was in between these two such as 123456.5.