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Over 9000!!! There are 7 oceans in the world.

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Q: How many ocean's are in the world?
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Wow many oceans are in the world?

there are 5 oceans in the world the Atlantic,Pacific,Indian,Arctic and the southern ocean

How many oceans are in the world and describe their names?

There are 5 oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic

How many oceans of world touch the Muslim world?

Both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. There are Muslims in Morocco and Nigeria as well as in Indonesia, China, and the Philippines.

How many oceans seas bays and gulfs in the world?

5 oceans, 108 seas, 1286 bays, and 235 gulfs

What will the world be without any oceans?

the world won't be there without oceans..

How many oceans are in world?

Historically, there are four oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, and Indian. These oceans are recognized by almost all oceanic organizations around the world. It is the standard classification that is held by National Geographics. Technically, there is only a single ocean: the world ocean.

How many oceans in the world?

There are 5 oceans in the world. They're the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Southern Ocean.

How many oceans were involved in world war 2?

Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic

How many major oceans are in the world?

Their are 5 main oceans:Pacific OceanAtlantic OceanIndian OceanArctic OceanThe southern Ocean

How many oceans where used to fight in World War 2?

From my understanding, their were 94 oceans used. I remember my great grandfather telling me this because he was in world war II. I hope this helped you retard.

Where are Oceans of the world?

In the world, you dingbat

In what oceans are starfish found?

in all oceans in da world