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The odds are about 1 in 5 because stars live for millions and millions of years,and i doubt we will be alive by the time one does!(unless that star was born years ago) and the sun is a star too, but you don't have to worry about the sun going out for another million years!

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Q: How many of the stars you see are actually dead stars?
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Many stars you see at night are actually two stars that revolve around each other these are called?

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How much light do you actually see looking at a star in the night sky?

As many as the stars.

How is it possible to see light from a star that is no longer shining?

As light can take millions of years to reach us, then some stars we "see" can actually be dead but we are seeing the light from them as they were many years earlier. So yes, it is possible to see light from a star that is no longer shining.

Are most of the stars you see at night actually galaxies?

No, most stars you see are stars within our own galaxy, the Milky Way

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11 Actually, this question is impossible to answer, since a constellation is technically a region of sky, not a limited number of stars. In addition to the many faint stars in Taurus that we can see individually, there are many galaxies in Taurus, each with millions of stars.

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Many of the stars you can see are actually larger than our sun. The reason they appears smaller is because the are much further away from us.

Could stars be dead?

The stars we see are so far away, that their light can take hundreds or thousands of years to reach us. So long after the light we saw left the star, but before the light arrived here, the star may have blown up. We would not know for a long time after that. So many of the stars that we do see may be long dead.

When can you see the stars of matariki?

in the sky!! Well actually yes you do see it in the sky but where abouts??

The stars you see at night are members of what?

Our Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. you may see others that look like stars but are actually galaxy's (M52).

Are the stars you see at night in your solar system?

No. All the stars at night that are actually stars are well beyond the solar system. Five "stars" that you sometimes see are actually planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The only actual star in our solar system is the sun.

When looking at stars you are actually seeing how the universe looked many years ago?

The quick answer is yes. The light that reaches takes million if not billions of years in some cases to reach us. Some only a few year to a few hundred. Some of the stars you see in the night sky are already dead, it just takes time to get here.

How many circumpolar stars would you see if standing on the equator?

If you were standing on the equator, how many circumpolar stars would you see?