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Baby pandas can weigh 90 to 130 grams (3.5 to 4 oz.) at birth - about 1/900th of its mother's weight. Litters of one or two cubs are born. If two cubs are born, the mother usually abandons the weaker cub, and it dies soon after birth.

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usually only one. but on rare occasions they have 2-3 but usually only one survives.

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What do pandas usally eat?

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What kind of offspring do pandas have?

Usually the offspring of pandas will be smaller pandas. However, these smaller pandas tend to grow quite rapidly to approximately the size of the parents. Thereafter, it is difficult to distinguish between the parents and the offspring.

Do pandas have pouch?

no. panda's do not have pouches for their offspring.

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There is no evidence of adult pandas calling their offspring anything.

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Since a panda is a bear, its offspring are cubs.

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They may look cute and cuddly, but pandas are wild animals and therefore have the potential to be dangerous especially if they feel that they or their offspring are in danger.

What do pandas learn from their parents?

Young pandas learn what to eat and how to avoid predators from their mothers. They learn nothing from their fathers; males leave after mating with females and have no part in raising their offspring.

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