

How many offspring do spinner dolphins make?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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spinner dolphins give offspring by only having one baby or a calf at a time.dolphins also have to wait in labor or 45 minutes to an hour

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Q: How many offspring do spinner dolphins make?
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How many spinner dolphins can spin in the air at one time?

They can spin with about 40-50 spinner dolphins in the air

Describe the spinner dolphin's courtship?

Spinner dolphins are aptly named for their above-water actions. They can leap into the air and make as many as seven complete spins before diving back into the ocean again. In Hawaii, the spotted dolphins can leap higher (we've had them jump high enough to be at eye level to us in a vessel's tuna tower!) than a spinner, but except for the Clymene dolphin, no other dolphins spin

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About 40-50 can jump at one time!!The world record is 7 spins at once.

What are spinner dolphins?

Spinner dolphins are very acrobatic. They get their name because after they jump out of the water, they can spin around as many as 16 times on their tails before diving back into the water again. Besides spinning, they can also do somersaults and other exciting leaps in the air. Spinners sometimes travel in groups of up to 1,000 dolphins. People often watch spinners off the coast of Hawaii as they perform their amazing spins and leaps. Spinner dolphins can grow up to the length of five- eight feet and weigh up to 200 pounds.

Is a jumping dolphin a type of dolphin?

There are many kinds of dolphins that jump, almost all of them jump. But, the dolphin that is the most famous for jumping would be the Spinner Dolphin. Next, I think, would be the bottlenose. acually what is said above is mostly right. spinner dolphins are definetly known for their amazing jumps where they "spin" in the air, but Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are sometimes called the "jumping dolphins" because they do jump a lot

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A dolphins gestation time is 11 months approxmatly

How do you make a spinner with a paper clip?

To make a paper clip spinner, first make a circle and add however many numbers need. Poke a hole in the center of the spinner using a brad and then push the brad through. Put the pony bead on top of the brad and then attach a large paper clip on the spinner.

How many offspring do striped dolphins have at a time?

they can have up to 4 or 5. It depends on how healthy they are. youre welcome.

Do dolphins live in salt or fresh water?

Yes, dolphins can live in both. The fresh water dolphins are related to the River dolphins. They include Piatanistidae, Ganges and Indus, niidae ( Boto or Amazon ) , Pontoporiida ( Baiji or Franciscana ) But, the only dolphin that can live in both is the Tucuxi ( Sotalia Fluviatilis ) There are may other dolphins that live in salt water though. They include Bottlenose, Spinner, Strpied, and many, many more.

What is the probability of spinner landing on 1?

It depends on how many sides the spinner has.

What is the probability to get a four on a spinner?

It depends on how many positions are on the spinner, and on how many of those positions are fours.