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You don't change a clean nappy

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Related questions

How many elephants does it take to change a babies diaper?

it takes 7 elephants 9 giraffes and a jar of mayonnaise to change a babies nappy

Where can you buy nappy covers online?

There are many websites and companies that offer nappy covers online for customers. Some of these companies that offer nappy covers are eBay, Amazon and Target.

Where can someone find pictures of nappy bag?

There are many pictures of nappy bags on websites such as Amazon, Wal-Mart and Target. You can also find nappy bag pictures on the Babies R Us website.

Why do african americans have nappy hair?

They don't have nappy hair; it is generally more tightly curled than others because of who they are descendant from. Many take care of their hair to prevent it from becoming matted and nappy, which can happen to any hair texture.

How many reusable nappy services are available in England?

There are 5 plus Nappy services available in England. The search came up with many different places all around the UK you can simply look at there sites and decide which one is right for your likings and choose the one you want.

Why is a diaper called a nappy?

In the UK we would look at it the other way round and ask 'Why is a nappy called a diaper in some parts of the world?'. Nappy is short for napkin. daiper is the type of weave used in the cloth. In the many centuries before toilet paper a daipered cloth was used for that function (in the higher classes). (The type of cloth that some in the UK [i believe] call muslin)

How many times a day do you change a newborn?

Every time it has been soiled or wet, to keep them clean and dry is the most important thing, as they drink a lot ... no doubt they would also wee a lot... you will find they they are more calm when not laying in a wet nappy.... I know I would hate to be laying in one and being defenseless... congratulations on your new bub and I'm sure you will make a wonderful parent... it shows - you are asking questions :O)

How many time you have to clean or change the acquarium water?

I have a 75-gallon aquarium and I remove debris and change out 10 gallons of water once a week. So if you have an an aquarium clean it once a week and replace at least 10% of the water weekly.

How many times should change the pads?

To be clean and clear of infections and things , you should change your pad every 2-4 hours. I hope this helped.

Who invented diaper cakes?

A UK lady called Jennifer Steadman came up with the idea of Nappy cakes back in 1988 when her son was born. She was putting the nappy's away one day and rolled them into cake shape by accident. The first nappy cake was made for her nephew a few months later. The first cakes were very simple in design, but over the years she developed various methods of making them more and more extravagant. Since 1988 she has developed many more designs for new parents including potty designs. She continues making and selling Nappy cakes to this day.

Where could one learn how to make nappy cakes?

There are many places one can go to learn how to make a cake. Le Cordon Bleu is a very famous school which will teach one how to make a cake. Also the online site, "King Arthur Flour", will provide a wonderful experience too.

How did vacuum cleaners change society?

it helped us get clean and so that many germs don't make us sick or anything