

How many ovules in a lily?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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I see 6

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Q: How many ovules in a lily?
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Related questions

How many ovules in a Peruvian lily?

Varies, but as it is a lily it is trilocular, meaning that it will have three ovaries, and normally the number of ovules will be a multiple of three as well.

How many ovules does does this ovary have?

An ovary contains one or more ovules.

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Where are the ovules stored?

The ovules is found in the ovary.

What happens when the pollen tube joins the ovule?

If The Pollen Tube Joins The Ovules They Will Have Fertilization And At The End After The Ovules Will Become The Seeds It Is One Or Many Seeds

Where are ovules stored?

easy ovules are stored in ovary

Do gymnosperms produce ovules?

yes they do produce ovules

What part of the water lily contains seeds?

Seeds form from ovules in the ovary of the plant. In fruit-bearing plants, the fruit develops around the ovule as the fertilized seeds develop. Other plants form seed pods or kernels for the same purpose, which is to enclose the seeds.

What forms ovules?

Ovules form in the ovary through meiosis

What part of the plant contains the ovules and becomes the fruit?

The ovary is the container for the ovules, and it becomes the fruit.Specifically, the ovary is the source of the ovules. The ovules turn into seeds. The ovary will become the plant's fruit.

How many ovules are in a flower?

you don't know what it means me either

Seeds in a plant are formed from the fertilization of ovules or fruits?

Seeds in a plant are formed through the process of sexual reproduction. Pollen from the male part of the plant fertilizes the ovule in the female part of the plant, which then develops into a seed. In some cases, the fruit also develops around the seed to protect and aid in dispersal.