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The best way to count the amount of Oxbow lakes that there will be in the future would be to count the meanders. This is because an oxbow lake is formed when a meander (a bend in the river) gets so windy that the sides link together. The water will take the shortest route possible and the unused patch of river will dry up. This probably doesn't help much but you should do a bit more research...

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Q: How many oxbow lakes does the river Severn have?
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How many Oxbow lakes does the Mississippi River have?

it has 48.5 oxbow lakes.

Does the river severn have a tributary?

Yes, the River Severn has several tributaries, including the rivers Teme, Avon, Stour, and Vyrnwy, among others. These tributaries feed into the River Severn and contribute to its flow and overall ecosystem.

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How many countries does the river severn run through?

The river Severn flows through England and wales

What is the river severn famous for?

The river Severn is famous for being the longest River in Britain It also has a tidal bore, that rises suddenly as a wall of water, that races up river. Many people visit the Severn at the time of the tidal bore to race upstream for miles on surf boards. The Severn tidal bore is the second largest in the World, the largest being (I believe in Canada?)

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1 person

Where does the river Severn meet the river Avon?

It's the other way round. The river Avon flows into the river Severn at Avonmouth, near Bristol.

Does Michigan have river or lakes?

Michigan has thousands of lakes and many rivers.

What wss the Oxbow Trail?

My understanding is the Oxbow Trail was a northward arching trail on the South side of the Platte River between the Missouri River and Fort Kearney, Nebraska. Many used the trail including 49'ers, Mormons, freighters and the military. -Phoebesgrl

What is the principal river of England?

I suppose it's the Thames, becase it flows through the Capital, London. But the Severn is the longest in England & Wales & the Tay is in Scotland. The longest in the British Isles is the Shannon, wholly in the Republic of ireland.

How many lakes and river are in quebec?

A lot.