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Helicopters carry from 1 - 90 passengers

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Q: How many passengers can the helicopters carry?
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How many people fit in a helicopter?

There are many different helicopters, the biggest can carry over 100 passengers. Most commercial helicopters seat about 16-20 passengers

How many people will a regular helicopter carry?

There are so many small and medium helicopters there is no such thing as "regular" . Most helicopters other than large military ones, carry between 4 and 8 passengers.

How many people can the largest helicopter carry?

The largest helicopters don't carry people. The largest passenger carriers I can think of are the Russian Mi-26, which can carry about 90 passengers.

How many passengers can a helicopter take?

Most civilian utility helicopters carry 6 -12 passengers. Larger industrial and military helicopters carry more. The CH-47 Chinook, as shown above can carry 55 passengers. The largest helicopter Russia's Mil -26 can carry over 100 passengers, but seldom does as they are usually used in logging and heavy military cargo lifting.

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Over here you can carry as many passengers as the car is designed to carry.

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120 passengers

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In Utah, a car can legally carry as many passengers as there are factory-installed seatbelts.

How many passengers can an Airbus A380 carry?

853 passengers and 20 crew

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