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Surveys vary, but in the United states, as of 2017, about 35% of the population oppose gay rights.

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10y ago

Surveys vary, but in the United states, as of 2014, about 45% of the population oppose gay rights.

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Is Stephen Colbert against gays and-or gay rights?

There are no "gay rights". Gay people should have every statutory and Constitutional right Straight people have.

How are gay rights abused?

There are many ways gay people are denied their rights. As of 2013, Gay people are still denied the right to marry in 36 US states. Many of those states also ban gay people from adopting or visiting their partners in the hospital. Gay people can also be fired from their jobs for being gay in 31 states.

How does the gay rights movement expand the concept of democracy and we the people?

The gay rights movement is not about the expansion of democracy (or its contraction). The gay rights movement, like all rights movements is the assertion of the countermajoritarian measures against the general will of the people in order to preserve the general values of society.

If Barack Obama supports equal rights then how come he is against gay civil partnerships?

He is against gay civil partnerships because they are not equal to marriage. Equal rights means full marriage for all gay people, and Barack Obama supports this idea.

How is gay life in Malta?

Gay people in Malta have limited protections and few rights, but it is not against the law to be gay or to live with a same-sex partner. There are also a few gay clubs there.

What does anti gay mean?

"Anti-gay" refers to beliefs, attitudes, or actions that are against or opposed to homosexuality or the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. It can manifest as discrimination, prejudice, or hostility towards people who are attracted to the same sex or have non-heterosexual orientations.

How many people were killed during the gay rights movement?

The gay rights movement is not over, but so far, thousands have been killed.

How many civil rights are gay people excluded from?

It varies by state.

How many states have gay rights?

It depends on which rights you are talking about. For example:As of 2013, 14 states allow gay people to marry.29 states protect people from losing their jobs over being gay.

Why gay people don't have rights?

Gay people don't have rights because the government is stupid. And is controlled by homophobes. Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else. So what if guys like guys or girls like girls? It's not affecting you unless your gay. Gay people should have rights.

Are gay rights important?

If you are asking if equal rights for gay people are important, the answer is yes.

Is prejudice against gay people called racism?

No. Gay people are not a race. Prejudice against gay people is called homophobia.