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Q: How many people are waitlisted for the Cal State LA MSW program?
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I'm trying to decide between Cornell and Duke for engineering. I got waitlisted by Duke and just got in.?

Duke would be the best has many departments for whatever fields someone is trying to get into. the teachers are very helpful as are the other students. you probably got waitlisted because Duke is a very hard university to get into..and if you did get accepted. then that is definitely awesome! and it should mean something

C program must have?

Not, there are many people, who live happily without C-program.

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My suggestion is to check with your state unemployment office. They have access to many resources for those who have been laid off.

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There are many benefits available for people on Long Term Disability. Benefits vary by state and program, although most offer a financial stipend as a benefit.

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It varies from State to State.

How do you know which program is the best for alcohol treatment?

You will know which alcohol treatment program is the best when you speak to the people that have been through it. If there are many people that have had a better life because of the program, then it will work.

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many people cheat at chess if they have a program

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Process is the program in the running state and program is a set of code un-executed, saved in a file. 1 program can produce 1 or many processes

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Pimsleur program covers 1-3 levels of French language proficiency. It is a leading program for teaching people French grammar and writing. Many people recommend this.

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Cant find employment is there a program for older people?

Check with They have many programs for older people.