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It is estimated that almost 90 percent of all households in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving in some way. That would equal about 280 million or more people.

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Q: How many people celebrate thanksgiving in the US?
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No. Thanksgiving is an exclusively US American holiday. Turkish people do not celebrate it. Additionally, Turkish people do not eat turkey as often as US Americans do.

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No only the US and Canada celebrate it.

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Brazil dos not have a thanksgiving holiday, so it is not largely celebrated.

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The US and Canada.

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Thanksgiving Day is not celebrated anywhere other than the US.

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Thanksgiving is a CANADA , Granada , Netherlands, & US celebration and not officially celebrated in England area although they have a type of thanksgiving where they bring local food to churches etc for poor people... but no Thanksgiving day as such.

What does Colombia do for the hoidays?

We have so many holidays! Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, we celebrate many many more. Some of them allow us to take off of school from time to time, but usually the days that we celebrate are important once we get off of school (usually we learn about why the holiday is important), and people celebrate at work sometimes as well.

Who celebrates Thanksgiving now?

1) People outside the US don't celebrate Thanksgiving, at least not on the fourth Thursday in November. Some countries have their own special days for giving thanks, but the November one is a US holiday. Likewise, people who immigrated to the US recently might not be aware of it and not celebrate it for that reason. 2) Jehovah's Witnesses, for a variety of reasons, don't celebrate Thanksgiving. 3) Some Native Americans don't. It is a holiday that celebrates the Pilgrims surviving their first year in the Americas, and it basically all went downhill for Native Americans from there. Plus the Thanksgiving story that is told in schools is not very accurate. Many Native Americans have a Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving, or celebrate just family and togetherness. 4) A lot of people just don't like the fuss. They are not interested in the historical or religious roots of the holiday, don't watch football, and don't like cooking an unnecessarily fancy meal.