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Q: How many people did Columbus leave behind to start a Spanish colony?
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Who discoverd Haiti?

Haiti was originally inhabited by indigenous Taíno people before Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. Columbus claimed the island for Spain, and it became a Spanish colony. In 1697, the western part of the island, including present-day Haiti, was ceded to France.

Who was the first europeans to settle in north america?

The Spanish people were the first Europeans to settle in North America, they settled in Cuba and started there a colony

How did Christopher Columbus get along?

He got along by killing the people he left behind

What did columbus think of the people from spain?

He really didn't like how the Spanish people treated the Indian's

What are the reasons behind the Spanish Revolution?

The Spanish people were tired of the taxes imposed by the Spanish authority. Also, there were too many restrictions for the spanish people.

Why do people from venezuala speak spanish?

Because Venezuela was once a colony of Spain.

Why do Brazilian people speak porugese and not spanish?

Because Brazil was once a colony of Portugal.

What food do people eat on Columbus Day?

Columbians, no Spanish, No Italian. Yep, That's it. Italian.

What happened to the sailors that Columbus left behind?

The sailors Columbus left behind on his first voyage were left at a fort called La Navidad in present-day Haiti. When Columbus returned on his second voyage, he found the fort destroyed and all the sailors killed by the native Taino people.

Are Brazilian people Spanish?

No they are Brazilian In terms of colonial heritage, Brazilians were a colony of Portugal, not Spain.