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Q: How many people did criss angel make disappear all at once?
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Does Criss Angel have ESP?

No he just make people think he does!

How Much Money Does Criss Angel Make?

Dont trip

Did Criss Angel make Britney Spears pregnant?

NO. Criss was just helping her out and being there for her because he's a really caring guy.

How did Criss Angel make a light bulb float?

Criss Angel did not use camera magic. He most likely used invisible string or what he did was real. I don't think it was real because he is a illusionist Obviously you cant make objects float. As Criss Angel said himself, "Illusion is what you see, and magic is what you feel." And he also said that on Mindfreak, "what you see, is what you get."

How can you send a message to criss angel?

hey Criss angel i want tolevitate to freak out my friends and i hope you say yeah i live in NC conneley springs 7690 decker rd silver pilot in the drive way and sorry for my spelling.

How does criss angel make 100 people shackled on stage disappear?

He used mirrors to reflect the bottom of the stage to make it look like nobody is below the stage, the 100 people are lowered behind the mirrors blow the stage. The cuffs are to make sure the people are restricted from free movement and just for show. Thus the people standing around the stage are actually seeing the reflection from the set behind them at the distance and not actually the people directly across them. Got it? - BE.SE

Does criss angel have 6 toes on one foot?

Yes Criss Angel does have 6 toes on one foot. I saw it in a mindfreak episode. I had to reweind it and make sure. lol i didnt even knw it before. lol but i still love him; ♥

Did Criss Angel make his stunt ok Wednesday 7-30-08?


How does Criss Angel make something float?

He has to use some kind of thin string or some optical allusion

Is criss angel's magic real?

Yes. Chris Angel is an Illusionist. His job is to use illusions, mis-leading to make it look real. OK are you dumb; first of all the job of an illusionist is to make the fake look real. however criss angel is doing things that are lidderly impossible and it's not staged or fake there are numerous accounts where he performs in the middle of the street with like 100 people watching him and if the people were paid don't u think that the network and the show will be losing profit then gaining. use Ur brain man, if you think this man is doing illusions you are ignorant.

Is criss angel real or fake?

Chris Angel is real human being and is subject to the physical laws that apply to all human beings. Chris Angel uses technology, skill and psychology to make seemingly impossible things happen.

Does criss angel do drugs?

There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Criss Angel is currently using drugs. It's important not to make assumptions about someone's behavior without verifiable information.