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Q: How many people die in Ethiopia a day because of hunger?
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Related questions

How many people visit Ethiopia each year?

About 1,000,000 people visit Ethiopia each year.

How many people in the world die of hunger each day in Europe?

At least Up to 2,000 people can die in europe of hunger because that state is very Poor.

How has the drought and famine effected the environment in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is said to have the highest temperature in the world. This will result in the physical environment being dry and bare, with cracked grounds stripped of greenery. Many people will also be struck by hunger and become desperate for food. Agriculture is very difficult there.

What are the pros and cons of world hunger?

because world hungar is bad is con and a pro is that their not eating the fod we have.

How many people in Ethiopia have computers?

It matters where in Ethiopia...In the city at least 76.4% of people have access to a laptop or computer.

How does hunger affect America?

hunger affects america because too many people dont have enouf food and they can't affoerd to buy food. :(

Why was injustice wrong in Ethiopia 1977?

it was wrong because many african or other people got hurt during the injustice

How many people have Malaria in Ethiopia?

atleast 2000

Can people in Ethiopia go to school?

yes but not many of them can afford it because they have to pay for their education. It is a LEDC country which means it is a less economically developed country and these countries are usually found below the equator. So they do have schools in Ethiopia but not many can afford to send their children to a school. Only the wealthier people in Ethiopia can afford to send their child to a school. hope this helps! :)

How many people have aids in Ethiopia?

2,600,000 people

How many people died in the hungergames?

In past hunger games 23 people died. The hunger games in focus in the book, 22 people died.

How many people live in hunger in the US?

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