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Q: How many people die in North Korea?
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What is North Korea's official name?

A Sucky Place to Live OR Die. Actually, South and North share the name Korea. Old Korea = Koryu = high and bright. Japan called Korea by it's latest kingdom, Chosun, "Land of the Morning Calm"

How did the Korean War effect the Korean culture?

nothing, just that north Korea, and south Korea, were separted, so the north Koreans, can't watch our tv. or south Korea tv. they die in streets, poor people but south Korea they are pretty rich.

What are the Main Causes of Death in North Korea?

The main cause of death for N. Korea now is starvation.

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How many people die in Korea each year?

About 23,00,789 Every year but numbers vary and may change over time

Where did Kim Jong Il die?

Kim Jong-Il died in North Korea. He was on a train outside the capital.

How many dogs on the whole Earth die in a day?

1,000s if you include Korea

What do they grow in North Korea?

Nasty little dictator bastards that wanna kill everyone but they're gonna die !, and Nuclear Warheads

Why does communism appeal and still exist today in North Korea?

Communism does still exist in North Korea, but it does not actually appeal to the citizens. The reason why it still exists is that the citizens have nothing else to compare it to since they are basically cut off from news media and television. North Korea is also a totalitarian state where any political opposition is crushed with torture and unending jail sentences, a significant percentage of the country is uneducated, millions die of hunger, and people are told to believe that the rest of the world is even worse off than they are.

Is there a peaceful way to change North Korea's government?

Unfortunately, North Korea does not have elections like some other countries. North Korea's current leader was appointed by his father, who was dictator for much of the last half of last century. There are no elections in North Korea, and the concept would be very foreign to people who have never had their opinion asked. Their "Great Leader" as he is called, controls the media and tells the populace what to think. A few years ago, they broadcast then President Bushes golf score, but followed it with a new report that their "Great Leader" had scored 18 consecutive holes in one. Millions of North Koreans die each year of starvation. To travel to another town, one must have government permission to do so. They will only grant it with good cause, so news does not travel between villages. Their will be no elections in North Korea anytime soon.

How many people die a day in North America?

Around 8,000 people die on average each day in North America, according to recent statistics. This can vary slightly based on factors like population size and current health trends.

How many people die in the war?

U.S. 58,000 troops were killed North vietnamese army 1.1 million deaths 1,170,000 people were injured