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Q: How many people died from getting typhoid fever during the Oregon trail?
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How many people died of typhoid in the gold rush?

Typhoid kills millions of people every year. You can guess the exact figure of the people, typhoid has taken away from us, from thousands of years. Typhoid has killed the children, mainly.

How common is Typhoid?

as many as 1 every 3 people get typhoid fever

Is typhoid a food borne disease?

Typhoid fever is a water or foodborne disease caused by contamination from another person with typhoid fever. Typhoid is carried in the feces of infected people. The number of typhoid fever infections has dropped because people are aware of proper sanitation.

What is the chance of other people getting cholera on the Oregon trail?

1 and 2

How people get typhoid?

People get typhoid mostly by eating contaminated food. Some times by drinking contaminated water.

How common is typhoid fever?

as many as 1 every 3 people get typhoid fever

What were some of the provisions people took on the Oregon trail and what were some of the provisions people took on the Oregon trail?

back then that was one of the only ways of getting there and supplies that they had to live off of

Who brought people to independe nce getting read for the trip to Oregon?

u lah

What percent of people who get Typhoid die from it?


Why do people get typhoid fever?

by mosquitoes byting

How common was typhoid fever before civil war?

Before the Civil War, more than 20 percent of people contracted Typhoid fever. During the worst of the outbreaks, between 12 and 16 percent of those afflicted died from the disease.

How far did people travel on the Oregon Trial during a thunder storm?

At least 16 miles.