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Q: How many people died in tuts curse?
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Can people visit tuts tomb today?

You could but people are afraid of the unknown curse of King Tutankhamun

When did Tuts Washington die?

Tuts Washington died on 1984-08-05.

Are mummies cursed?

no there is no such thing as that

Whose death set off the rumor of king tuts mummy curse?

Lord Caernarvon who died of septicaemia from a mosquito bite. There were no antibiotics in those days so once an infection took hold it usually killed you.

Did Aye take king tuts wife when he died?

Yes, Aye Did

What is the Tutankhamun curse?

Howard Carter entered the burial chamber of Tutankhamun on 17 February 1923. On 6 March, Lord Carnarvon (his financial backer) was bitten by a mosquito. The bite became infected and he died on 5 April. Rumors began to spread that the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb had claimed its first victim. According to Christine el-Mahdy, it was the Arab peoples of Egypt in the first century AD who were the first to suggest that a mummy could come to life and attack anyone who broke into a pharaohs tomb. This idea remained popular partly because the Ancient Egyptian language and culture had long since been suppressed and so there was no-one to correct this misunderstanding. When Carvarvon died following the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, the notion of a curse was revitalized (but without the reanimation of the mummy).

What was King Tutankhamun's death like?

king tuts died of malaria so if you know someone with malaria thats how he died.

How many piecesof jewellerywerew berried with tuts mummy?


How many steps led into king tuts tomb?


How many objects were in king tuts tomb?

Over 3000

What did the people worship during king tuts reign?

ra the sun god

Tuts mom and dad?

king tuts mom was Nefertiti.