

How many people dies in a second?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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i don't know about people a second, but your grammar is killing me.

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15y ago
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14y ago

3 people die 4 people are born

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Its hard to imagine that somone dies each second. But about 5,000 people die in a second. but 5,000 babys are born every 5 seconds so we never run out of people.

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Answer12 people per second die Answer12 people per second die Answer1,000,000,000,999,999,999,999,999.1 actually you really don't know people die just not every one dies from cancer that is if you don't go to therapy .......

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Well, in a way, nobody. About every 3.8 seconds, someone dies. Not 5 people a second. Thanks!

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