

How many people drop out of school because of gangs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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there are about 10,000

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Q: How many people drop out of school because of gangs?
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Are drugs gangs and alcohol the reason kids drop out of school?

Actually yes! Gangs, drugs, and alcohol is reasons why teens drop out of school becasue they have bad influence and of peer pressure.

How many people drop out of school because of buling?

1 out of 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying

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because people take their maind of the grades

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No! some do because their famlies can not afforfd for them to go to high school

What reason gang member drop out of school?

Gang members usually drop out because they believe that is a waste of time but some stay and peer pressure other kids in joining a gang and they go off and begin some dangerous thing in a neighborhood . Other reasons why gang members drop out of school is because they don't get no support from family, that is why they join gangs in the first place because they don't have no support in their lives.

What is the main reason why you stop school?

Stopping or dropping out of school is one of the worst decisions you can make in your youth. School is essential for a good, secure, high paying job that helps the people in your community. Many people who drop out of school end up in gangs or other violent or dangerous acts. Stay in school-it's worth it!

What are 30 reasons why high school students drop out of high school?

because hey want to DA you people need to get out more

What reason would an adolescent drop out of High school at age 16?

Maybe they think they don't need am education, are bored, want to get on with their life, etc. There's many reasons for dropping out. A girl may drop out because she's pregnant.

Why do so many people dropout of high school?

in 2007 6.2 drop out and the number increase but dont drop of high school Many times people will think they can "survive" with out a high school diploma. Often times their absence is because of problems in their life like drugs, teen pregnancy, etc. DON'T DROP OUT!

Do kids drop out if they hate school?

Generally, no. People tend to drop out of school because they are doing poorly or because they feel it would be more beneficial for them to drop out, however actually hating school is not often a reason for it. Indeed, nerds and top students are often shown to hate school more than those who do poorly and the 'stereotypical dropout', despite having done well at school.

Why do people drop out of sport?

People drop out of a sport because they are injured. People also drop out of a sport because they do not like the sport or because they are not any good at it.

How does gang violence effect schools?

Gang violence affects schools because gangs will often recruit young members near school campuses that are economically disadvantaged. This causes students to drop out of school and some students may be caught in the middle of dangerous gang conflicts.