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4d ago

Around 50 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer's disease. This number is expected to increase as the population ages, with estimates suggesting that by 2050, the number of people with Alzheimer's could reach 152 million.

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What kind of behavior do people with Alzheimers disease have?

People with Alzheimer's disease may exhibit symptoms such as memory loss, confusion, disorientation, mood changes, difficulty with language, and impaired judgment. They may also experience changes in behavior, such as agitation, aggression, wandering, and withdrawal from social interactions. It is important to seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and management of these symptoms.

Does rubbing metal on metal cause alzheimer's?

No, rubbing metal on metal does not cause Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a complex neurodegenerative disorder that is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. While certain metals like aluminum have been studied in relation to Alzheimer's, their role as a causative factor is still under investigation and not definitively proven.

How do you take care of alzheimers patients?

Taking care of Alzheimer's patients involves creating a safe and structured environment, providing consistent routines, utilizing memory aids like calendars and notes, ensuring good nutrition and hydration, and engaging in activities that stimulate memory and cognitive function. It is also important to communicate clearly and calmly, show patience, and seek support from healthcare professionals and support groups.

Does alzheimers need an apostrophe?

Yes, the correct spelling is "Alzheimer's" with an apostrophe. It indicates possession or association with Alois Alzheimer, the German psychiatrist who first identified the disease.

What is the complete predicate of this sentence Grandfather met many different people in his travels?

met many different people in his travels

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What are the most common diseases faced by people?

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Does magnalite contribute to alzheimers?

yes, it has been found in many scientific study's!

How do people with Alzheimer's remember to take their medicine?

They don't usually people with alzheimers have to have a full time person to take care of them

Is there an alzheimers care center in Augusta?

There are several alzheimers care centers in Augusta. They offer complete services to care for alzheimers patients, with good reviews from family and friends.

How old was Ronald reagen when he got alzheimers?

Ronald Reagan was 83 years old when he got Alzheimers.

What is the ribbon color for dementia?

The ribbon that supports people with Alzheimers is purple.

Does Steven Spielberg have Alzheimers?


Does jean stapleton have alzheimers?


Where can I find some more information on alzheimers?

alzheimers is a chronic disease in mainly elder men, though females can get it too. So many sites to choose from but here is a specialized site to start off:

Where can I find a caregiver, in Cleveland, for my mother with Alzheimers?

All you need to do is to go to google and type in Alzheimers caregivers and your zipcode. This should bring up a good list of people. Another reliable source would be nursing homes who may be able to tell you where to look. You can find a caregiver, in Cleveland, for my mother with Alzheimers at Another good website is

Can Ambien cause alzheimers?

I doubt it. It sure can make you feel like you've got alzheimers if you take a lot. LOL