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Q: How many people have been attacked at the everglades?
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How many people were racial attacked in 2011?

Many people could have been but there is not a definite number on how many.

How many peoples have been attacked by crocodiles?

No one can say for sure, but they kill many people every year.

How did people live in the everglades?

People in the Everglades of Florida lived on the land and learn to adapt to the harsh environment. Many Native America tribes once called this area home.

How many people have survived shark attacks?

Over the past 60 years over 2,000,000 people have been attacked by bull sharks

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Similar question: how many people are attacked by polar bears yearly in the US?

How many people work in the everglades? Everglades National ParkAnnual Visitation 2003 - 1,040,648 2004 - 1,181,355 2005 - 1,233,837 2006 - 954,022

Wie viele Touristen waren in Everglades?

Wie viele Touristen waren in den Everglades? - How many tourists were in the Everglades?

What type of people settled in everglades?

Many people.....that were from ealier in time like indian,omish,blacks,whites,and latino's

How many panthers are in the everglades?

there are hardly any but they have estimated that about 30 to 50 left in the everglades

How many seasons are in the everglades?

There are 2 seasons in the Everglades;The wet season and the Dry season.

How many people have been killed by cheetahs?

A 37-year-old woman was killed by a cheetah after sneaking into its cage on February 13 2007 in Belgium.

How many people are attacked by hippos each year?

it is very rare for a person to be attacked by a hippo but they can be very vicious. there has been some hippo attacks but usually around 13 hippo attacks happen each year.