

How many people have been to the Kuiper Belt?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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8y ago

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None. No person has ever gone farther than the moon.

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Q: How many people have been to the Kuiper Belt?
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Is their anything past the Kuiper Belt that anyone discovered?

yes, there are many things outside the kuiper belt that we have discovered. all of the stars you see at night are outside of the kuiper belt. we have discovered galexies, exoplanets, and many other things.

How many asteroids does Kuiper belt have?

It doesn't seem that scientists are anywhere near to knowing the total number of asteroids in the Kuiper belt.

How many asteroids in the kuiper belt?

there are so many, scientists don't know.

Where is Ceres location in the Kuiper Belt?

The "Kuiper Belt" is named for Dutch astronomer Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973) and extends outward from the orbit of Neptune (from about 30 to 55 AU from the Sun). The area is vast, encompassing several trillion cubic kilometers. It contains many remnants from the formation of the Solar System, as its lack of planet-sized bodies prevented smaller planetoids from being captured or swept away.

How many belts does the sun have?

The sun has 2 belts ,the asteroid and the kuiper belt.

Many comets in the kuiper belt are the result of?

Collisions between large objects

How many years will it take for spacecraft to reach the Kuiper Belt?

12 years minimum

How do astronomers account for the origin of Pluto?

Astronomers used to consider that Pluto was a planet and have now stated it is just one of many objects in the Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt is made of the leftovers in the creation of the Solar System.

Pluto is considered a dwarf planet because?

It is considered a Dwarf Planet for many reasons. One reason why it is the a Dwarf is because it goes through the Kuiper Belt every time it rotates and as it rotates in the Kuiper Belt it gets hit!

What is the name of some thing in space that starts with k?

The planet Jupiter has many moons including Kallichore, Kore, Kalyke and Kale. Kiviuq and Kari are moons around the planet Saturn.

What is important about he Kuiper Belt?

The Kuiper Belt is a zone of space beyond the orbit of Neptune which contains many small planetoids and "left-overs" from the formation of the solar system. At that distance from the Sun, there is essentially no light or heat, and conditions there are probably very similar to the time that the Sun was born.

Does Mars have a Kuiper belt?

The Kuiper belt is a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune, believed to contain many comets, asteroids, and other small bodies made largely of ice. So it 'belongs' to the whole Solar System, and although it is closest to Neptune, no planet owns it.